The Fast Way To Lose Belly Fat is difficult, I'm not going to sugar coat it. It takes some extreme discipline and hard work, but if you fully commit to what I'm about to tell you then you'll see a dramatic reduction in your stubborn belly fat in a reasonably short amount of time. Keep reading to learn more about my six-pack secrets!
The first place you'll need to start is with your nutrition. You need to quit eating the following foods as soon as possible: Sugar, syrups, starches, honey, fruits, carrots, potatoes, pasta, bread, white rice, cereal, juices, regular pop, diet pop, artificial sweeteners and milk. Basically any and all foods that will cause your blood sugar levels to elevate. You need to stop adding to the fat that you already have stored if you want to lose fat and lose it quickly. This may not sound like a lot
of fun but it is the fast way to lose belly fat so if you want to get it done you need to eliminate these foods now!
You're probably wondering what foods you can eat. Here is a quick list of the foods that need to become the foundation of your diet. Chicken, turkey, fish, pork, lean beef, tofu, oatmeal, brown rice, barley, quinoa, farrow, yams, beans, lentils, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, lettuce, nuts, seeds and avocados. Though this list doesn't have every food that you can eat listed, it does give you a great place to start. There are plenty more foods that you can eat they just can't contain any high glycemic carbohydrates or gluten.
After you've completely cleaned up your diet using the guidelines above you need to start working on your water intake. At the very least you need to be drinking a gallon of water a day or your body weight in ounces (200lbs = 200 ounces). If you're exercising then you may need to be drinking even more but start with the minimum. If you need to drink something besides water then opt for some green tea, preferably all natural green tea and obviously unsweetened. You can drink a little black coffee as well but don't add anything to it, it's gotta be black.
When you cut out all of the unnecessary foods and drinks you'll quickly realize how many calories and grams of sugar you were consuming juices and pop. Fruit juices are the biggest scam in the food industry, you want a fast way to lose belly fat? Just quit drinking "healthy" fruit juices and watch the pounds drop off. Say away from juice no matter how many vitamins and minerals they contain. If you have to have a piece of fruit have it before your workout but if you're looking for the fast way to lose belly fat then refrain.
Let me say this right now. If your diet is not conducive to fat loss it doesn't matter if you exercise for hours every day or sit on the couch, you're not going to burn any fat period. So if your diet isn't under control don't even bother reading the rest of this article. Your diet is that important, it is the key losing body fat fast!
Now that everything your consuming is contributing to your fat loss goal it's time to start training.Your workouts need to consist of both cardiovascular training and resistance training. It's not just one or the other, you'll need to do an appropriate amount of both. A typical routine would look something like this:
Day 1: Total Body Resistance Training
Day 2: Cardiovascular Conditioning
Day 3: Total Body Resistance Training
Day 4: Cardiovascular Conditioning
Day 5: Total Body Resistance Training
Day 6: Cardiovascular Conditioning
Day 7: Rest Day
Your ability to do the outlined routine above would obviously depend on your current fitness level also keep in mind that this is just one outline there are literally hundreds of ways you could structure your weekly schedule. For the fast way to lose belly fat the important thing is that you're physically active in some way every day, that's right every day. If you're not active you're not burning calories, if you're not burning calories you're not burning fat end of story. So if you're not sure what kind of training routine to use, find one, there are tons of great programs online make sure you check them out!
In conclusion the fast way to lose belly fat is to make the appropriate changes to your diet and become physically active each and every day. I should note that before attempting any of the suggestions I've recommended above you should check with your physician. Also keep in mind the suggestions above are not intended to be followed for life, these suggestions are for the fast way to lose belly fat they aren't intended to be followed forever.
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