How to Buy a Car - Useful Advice and Tips on Car Buying

This article is about car buying strategies and includes tips on buying new and used cars. When you are thinking about buying either a new or used car, like most of us you want to get the car you want at a price you can afford. If you don't want to pay over the odds for your next car then think about the following steps before you hand over your hard earned cash.

Essential First Steps in Buying a Car
o If you want to buy a new car then you should do some research on
the dealerships in your area, compare their prices and think carefully about their terms.
o If you want a nearly new or used car then the cheapest solution is to find out about car auctions in or around your area as these are where the professional dealers go.
o Make sure that you know where the money is coming from at the outset, if you don't have the cash then you should investigate a bank loan if your credit rating is reasonably good. Borrowing from the bank is often a lot cheaper than any price a car dealership will offer you.
Buying a New Car
If you are determined to have a new car but have still not decided on a particular model, it is always worth asking about show cars. Some dealerships give a slight discount on these as they may have been taken on trial runs or spent a long time being looked at and touched by would be buyers. It is possible to get end of range deals just before the new model is due out.
Don't let a dealer sell you something you don't want. Some salesmen will try to bully those people who come to the dealership to buy cars into driving away with a vehicle they don't really want. Make sure that you have a checklist of your requirements and don't be persuaded by what seems like a great 'deal' from getting a vehicle that meets your requirements. Don't be persuaded to spend more than you have borrowed or budgeted for. If you are considering a repossessed or used car then you need to be even more careful when it comes to getting what you want.
Buying a Used or Repossessed Car
Dealers who sell used or repossessed cars often acquire the vehicles at car auctions. Car auctions are not limited to dealers, anyone can buy a car at auction and save themselves the dealership's markup, but you need to go to the auction well prepared.
o Don't bid over your budget. It is all too easy to get carried away at an auction so you should be clear before you go on an absolute price limit and stick to it.
o If you possibly can get a mechanic friend, or pay your regular mechanic to go to the auction with you as they are more likely to be aware of any tricks that unscrupulous sellers will use to hide problems with the vehicle
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