Awesome Benefits of Quitting Smoking Cigarettes For Life

I know it's really hard to imagine if you're smoking now, but imagine having a lot of energy, feeling good about yourself, but life overall. Yes, all this is very possible because these are just some of the benefits of quitting. Believe it or not, smoking has really affected almost every aspect of your life, from your family to your professional life. Smoking diminishes your health so much, it makes it difficult to participate in sports and hobbies. Once you quit smoking, you can be sure all areas of your life will only get better. Here is a quick list of some of the benefits of quitting smoking, you can possibly expect to occur.

First off, the most noticeable transformation will be your overall change for the better in health. By you not smoking, it will allow you to have a longer life, and live it with more quality. The
energy and stamina level you will have, will allow you to do things you never thought you could. Did you know if you quit smoking for about 5 years, you will have the heart attack risk of a person who didn't smoke, and if you stopped smoking for 10 years, you would have the same risk for getting lung cancer as a non smoker. It's possible most of the damage you have put on your body from smoking could be reversed by simply stopping smoking.
Next, the disgusting odor will go away, causing people to really enjoy being around you more, and this will increase your social life greatly. What about the stains on your teeth from smoking? Well, once you quit smoking they will start to fade, and with some cleaning go away, and by not smoking it won't come back cause of the chemicals in cigarettes, and you will be more willing to smile more.
It's funny now, but my friends told me how they really didn't like hanging around me because of the nasty smell from the cigarettes, and they would avoid me when ever possible. Ouch!!.
My Third point, is an a significant jump in stamina and motivation to do more physical activities. For a number of years, all I did was sit my butt on the couch eating snacks and smoking over a pack a day, and I would always go to be so very tired, it wasn't funny. I quit smoking about a year ago, and since then I have been able to do more sports activities, go on long hikes with my girlfriend, and all without stopping to catch my breathe or feel like I was going to die. Now, I feel so much better through out the day, by the time I need to go to bed, I'm not as tired, but I seem to get a better quality of sleep, and when I wake up I'm not dragging, and that starts a better day.
Finally, I don't depend on smoking cigarettes to get me through life. I wouldn't go to work until I had enough cigarettes, I remember I was running late and I had to stop and get more cigarettes, knowing there might be a risk of getting fired, but the need was so great I did it any way. There are so many people like this, that smoking has really made people like this, so I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. It never really dawned on me, but I was a slave to this deadly habit, and I was in it's grasps and it wasn't letting go, but I had to claim my life back and say no more.

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1 comment:

  1. how to quit smoking give me some suggestion. i cant do this
