I recently presented a program to the management of Anytime Fitness. Their vision correlates with mine: Improve the self-esteem of the world.
Their explanation is that self-esteem is central to everything a person does, and it can be the difference between success and failure, being positive or negative, and feeling happy or sad.
Self-esteem and happiness go hand-in-hand. When we increase one, the other automatically goes up. The happier I get, the more confidence I feel. The more confident I feel, the more my happiness is elevated.
When we live from a place of being happy with ourselves, we feel good, plain and simple. It affects all areas of our lives, our health, our relationships, our jobs and businesses, and our finances.
It doesn't matter what door you go through to get started. The mind-body-spirit connection is real and when you focus on one aspect, the others get benefit as well.
The Anytime Fitness crew gifted me a shirt that states, "Everyone has a story to tell." In my work as a life coach and a book coach, I certainly know that to be true.
My clients go through transformation, be it in my life mastery programs or via my book coaching. The process of writing a book is a wonderful self-esteem builder. The thrill of becoming an author is a true joy.
Everywhere I go, I meet people who say they have been wanting to write a book. Many have been wanting to write this book for twenty years. That's a long time to be wanting. Many folks
never do take the plunge.
There are any number of reasons/excuses. Most say time or expense. When they finally are ready to make this wanting a reality, it comes down to being ready to be vulnerable. Putting yourself out there in book form takes guts.
We often don't realize our internal battles are confidence related. We just hear the thoughts pinging around in our heads. Do I have enough to say? Who am I to write a book? Will anyone read it?
Your negative voices may not say exactly those words, but if you have been wanting to write a book and keep putting it off, ask yourself why. Be honest with yourself.
Writing a book requires a leap of faith.
When you reach a point of being able to take a deep breath and say, "I'm going to do this," your self-esteem notches up without you even realizing it. Something inside shifts and your confidence muscle grows. Sometimes you are aware of it during the process; sometimes not until later on do you look back and realize the personal growth journey you have just traveled. Feel those confidence muscles now!
Increased confidence. Increased happiness. All kinds of things happen when you take that first step. The process leads to improved relationships, improved businesses, improved health, and improved finances. Ideas keep flowing. New people come into your world. Opportunities arise.
If you are among the many with a wanting, do you want to keep wanting, or do you want to grow your confidence and do it, whatever your "it" is? All it takes is one first step. Action begets action, and momentum builds. Usually the process is much less difficult than you imagined. The results are more rewarding than imagined too.
Allow some time to shut your brain off from its normal state of chatter and busyness. Most of my clients are able to get centered and focused with ten minutes of time alone. Some like to run, walk, meditate, cook, sit and pet the cat, whatever. Whatever takes you to your happy, calm place. Take a deep breath. Ask yourself. Does your body and your Inner Voice say, "I'm going to do this"?
Then take one small action. Hire a book coach. Sign up for a workout class. Book that trip to Italy.
Whatever your wanting is, take it from being a wanting to being a part of you. When you step into and own it, you will amaze yourself how the rest of your life changes. When you say, "I'm an author" or "I lost 40 pounds and love to run now" or "I travel the world," you feel, act, and live differently.
Everyone has a story to tell. What's yours?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelly_Epperson