Marriage is an important step in life with the wedding just the start of a new life together as husband and wife. As such, careful planning is essential in achieving a happy marriage for many years to come preferably until death do you part.
Why Plan?
Many may think that planning a marriage is so unromantic. Go with your gut instinct, follow your heart and your love will keep the marriage alive - these are just a few of the romantic notions that accompany marriage. We
acknowledge that marriage must, indeed, be rooted in romantic love because it is the foundation of a good relationship between husband and wife.
acknowledge that marriage must, indeed, be rooted in romantic love because it is the foundation of a good relationship between husband and wife.
But we should emphasize that a lifetime commitment like marriage demands careful planning for many reasons. A successful marriage is a composite of two people combining their personal
and professional talents, skills and aspirations together. This will require planning because no too people will agree in all instances at all times so it is best to discuss the possibilities of change even before these happen.
Planning also strengthens the bond between husband and wife. Each one feels like a valuable member of the team and, thus, each one will work toward the achievement of a goal.
How to Plan
With that being said, how exactly can you plan your future as a married couple? We suggest having a heart-to-heart talk with your future spouse on this matter even before you start the wedding preparations. Keep in mind that the wedding may be a one-day affair but the marriage is a lifelong commitment - get your priorities straight.
We also recommend the following steps during your planning process:
• Set a goal. Of course, your ultimate goal is to sustain a happy marriage wherein both of the partners are involved in its achievement. You should then make smaller goals that go toward your ultimate goal. You will be motivated to work toward attainment of a happy marriage when you can see immediate results. For example, you can plan for weekly dates with your spouse so that the romantic spark that set off your marriage in the first place will always be there. You can also plan to discuss marital issues at the end of the day just so there will be lesser build-up of negative feelings.
• Lay your cards on the table. In short, be honest from the first get-go when you are planning for your successful marriage. It is best to be truthful from the first get-go than lie and then hurt the person you love the most later on.
Telling the truth can range from your little habits that your partner may find annoying, to say the least, to big things that can change your married life. You may be unable to tell everything but the very least you can do is to be honest about the things that you can tell.
For example, you may be planning to change jobs after five years, which can mean relocating. Your partner should be notified of your plan so that he/she can make the necessary changes in his/her plan as well.
Life is full of surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant, which even the most careful planning cannot predict in its entirety. But when you have a plan together, you can make your marriage weather the storms to come out stronger in the end.
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