How To Make Sure Your Dog Is Healthy

It's not unusual to spend hours every week thinking about health and fitness. Whether it be through maintaining a healthy diet or by taking supplements, everybody wants to keep healthy, whatever the cost. Obviously, keeping in good health will mean we live longer, better, happier and hardly ever have to go to the dreaded doctors.

Many of us, however, don't take the same mentality when it comes to our pets. With the incredibly active lifestyles of many dogs and the rough-and-tumble nature of our pets, it's essential that we keep our dogs in great shape. Using supplements for dogs, it's possible to improve your pet's health and enhance its longevity in a natural way.
There are a variety of supplements for dogs, each serving a different purpose. Like humans, dogs have a complex list of vitamins and minerals that are required for an optimum level of health, each dependent on the individual dog. Active dogs require an athletic supplement blend, while less active dogs need to focus on overall health.
Recent studies suggest that up to a third of all domestic dogs need to take some form of dietary supplement in order to maintain or improve their health. With joint issues and respiratory problems affecting large numbers of dogs, keeping your pet healthy, vibrant, and full of life can require a complex stack of vitamins and minerals.
One of the most common supplements for dogs is vitamin and mineral formulas. The average dog receives a reasonable serving of vitamins from its food, which is built to deliver the proper blend of canine nutrition. However, many dogs are fed a diet that lacks certain vitamins and minerals, and are best off with regular supplementation.
The type and quantity of supplements that your dog should take depends on the dog's size, its current diet, and its lifestyle. Active dogs may need a large serving, while smaller dogs may end up with side effects from large doses of vitamins. For dogs that are overdosed with vitamins, joint and skeletal issues can occur.
Many dogs have fantastic coats when they're young, but lose their shine and fullness as they age. Veterinarians agree that this can often be caused by hormonal shortages and imbalances. There are supplements for dogs that increase hormonal output, but these should only be administered after checking with an experienced veterinarian.
Finally, many dogs become plagued by arthritis as they age - a joint condition that can make it difficult, and even painful, to move around. With the active lifestyle of many breeds of dog, arthritis is a debilitating condition. Thankfully, it's possible to treat arthritis using a variety of supplements that decrease pain and boost mobility.
Keeping yourself healthy is of vital importance, but keeping your pets healthy is just as essential. Check with your veterinarian on a regular basis to make sure that your dogs are just as healthy as you are, and make regular use of supplements for dogs to keep your canine pals in optimum shape throughout the year.

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