The most important question you can ask is: are you ready to engage in a relationship of several years? Which could last several decades? owning a dog is a serious responsibility. Remember that you can be all that separates your pet can be a dog books. So, think twice. This is not a small adventure where you can just "give up" the dog when you are tired of it. This is for all the dog's life, and an important part of yours. Make sure you realize what you're getting into.
What do you see as the goal of your dog? Do you want a lap dog or a guard dog, or just a companion? Are you ready to train the dog or have someone else do it if you do not have the time? The size of your dog can be an indicator of how long he will live. In general, the more
What do you see as the goal of your dog? Do you want a lap dog or a guard dog, or just a companion? Are you ready to train the dog or have someone else do it if you do not have the time? The size of your dog can be an indicator of how long he will live. In general, the more